Do not harm or kill the children; It is never justifiled or forgiven

فوق النخل فوق
(Above the palm trees / 椰子の木の上で)

この曲はイラク発祥のフォークソングで、Amalさんの美しい声をもとに編曲しました。写真はAliaさんに提供して頂きました。彼女はVolver 宍倉慈と協働して『抵抗のためのレシピ』を出版しています。

Vocal: Amal from G aza, Pale stine
Arrangement, Synthsizer, Piano: Marihiko Hara

Photography: Alia from Ga za, Pales tines
Design: Muranaka Masumi



This is the second work of my music project with people with Palestine.

“فوق النخل فوق (Above the palm trees)” is a folk song originally made in Iraq.

I arranged the song with a beautiful voice of Amal in Ga za.

The photography was provided by Alia, who recently published a recipe book “Alia Palestine nian recipes” collaborated with Megumi Shishikura. Its profit goes to my friends in Pa lestine who cooperated on this track.

**『抵抗のためのレシピ』(“Alia Palestine nian recipes”)


To the sea

Piano Improvisation by Marihiko Hara
All voices and field recordings recorded in Gaza, Palestine
"Free Palestine" voice by Misk

Voice by Assad and Elena
Field Recording by Kefah

Mixed and Mastered Marihiko Hara
Photography taken in Gaza by Miada
Designed by Muranaka Masumi (Polar M)


ピアノ即興: 原 摩利彦

「フリーパレスチナ」の声: ミスク

海での声: アサドとエレナ
フィールドレコーディング: ケファ

ミックス、マスタリング: 原 摩利彦

写真: ミアダ
デザイン: 村中真澄(Polar M)

All profits go to donations for people surffering in Palestine.
